Keep Your Kids Safe by Monitoring SMS Activities

AddSpy Phone Monitoring App
3 min readJan 26, 2021


kids cell phone sms monitoring application

Monitoring SMS on children’s mobile phone may be necessary for every responsible parent to keep their children safe. As a parent, it’s hard to make sure that your children are safe from any type of harm. With the continuing progress of technology, the world that we live in is becoming interconnected. Although this progress has its own advantages and disadvantages, the advancement in technology has proven itself more beneficial than harmful.

Through modern technology, parents can now monitor their kids safely and check for their whereabouts regularly. Although you can check who they talk to or exchange messages with, you can’t monitor their SMS activity 24/7. And sometimes, when they delete the conversation, there’s no way for you to find out it anymore. But why is monitoring SMS necessary in giving you assurance? What can it do for your children’s welfare?

Importance of Monitoring SMS

According to a study one out of five kids is bullied by text messaging. And most of the time, parents or guardians are unaware of their kids’ situation. Quite often, due to embarrassment, kids delete their SMS messages immediately, making it hard for parents to check. Although children have deleted the message, the pain it caused will remain. And that painful harassment may haunt children forever.

By monitoring your kids’ SMS activities, you see all the activities made on their mobile phones. You can check both-side messages so that you know how your kids act around other people. You are able to detect SMS messages which contain inappropriate content or harassment. In this way, you help your children out of unwanted trouble immediately.

child mobile phone sms tracking application

Pros of Monitoring Children’s SMS

You can detect any form of bullying quickly, whether it is your children who are bullying or the ones being bullied. When you monitor their SMS, you’ll see text messages exchanged, as well as the name and contact information of senders.

You can know whether your children become subjects of someone with malicious intent. An SMS Spy App lets you locate the phone number of the sender and give it to the police for reference.

You can check whether your children have joined in a series of mischief. Remember that most of the time, your children may be more honest to their friends than to their parents. You can also find other potential dangers as soon as possible. You’ll be able to avoid them or do precautionary measures to prevent it from getting worse.

You can use SMS conversations as evidence in court. This can make your case stronger against somebody who is harassing you or your children.

Cons of Monitoring SMS

Monitoring SMS will invite distrust and dishonesty in your relationship with your children. So it is important to inform your kids first about your intention of monitoring their SMS activities. Explain to them in a way that they will understand why you are doing this and its importance.

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Right now, SMS message monitoring can also be done with the Cell Phone Spy Application. There is an app that allows you to perform parental control on your children’s devices. AddSpy is such an app that has a number of features and suits your needs. It eases your worries about the security of your kids when they are using their mobile devices.

Children’s safety should be every parent’s top priority, so you may need to go the distance in making sure that your children are secure. Avoid potential trouble or danger by using reliable SMS monitoring applications such as AddSpy.



AddSpy Phone Monitoring App

AddSpy is one of the Best Android Monitoring Application in the world with more than 25+ features which is totally undetectable and works in hidden mode only.